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Welcome to my simple triple blog, i`m Atikah Hanifah. Famous as nothing =D Thanks for visited my blog, nice to meet you, leave your footstep at my cbox, Do follow okeyy :)

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Baru Aku Faham Ape Maksud Rindu , Miss

Wey korang ,, aku rindu korng sangat-sangat . Rindu time darjah 6 dulu . Klauu bley putrkn mse kn bgos . t'ingt korng ketwa , brgadoh , ejek-ejek dn bagai ='( wey korng bley x cuti akhir taon nnty or ble-ble kite jmpe nk x ? aq xsbr nk jumpa korng . dlu aku perli korng yg asik rindu sngt kt kwn-kwn kite ,, n skrang ?? aq pulk yg rindu t'amt kt korng ='( wey aq slalu sedih ble sunyi sepi dan t'ingtkn korng ,, aq duk bljr pon x seronok .. aku nk sngt bersme dgn korng smpai bile-bile ,, kla bai ! nnty insyaallah kite akn berstu blek =(
#mse aq type pon air mte nk menitik ='( ape-ape pon mse dh b'lalu dan x bley ulng blek ='( GOOK LUCK ea smue =) Hope korng smue brjaya dunia akhirat k =)#